Your clients are buying value. Quality. A garment that lasts. One that doesn’t wear out right away. Fit. A garment that fits real bodies. Not a cookie cutter, throw away fashion fashion trend that tries to shape youinto someone else’s ideal image. Love. A garment that feels fantastic. That makes you love yourself. It feels… Read more
Why You Need To Build a Profitable Business
How Do You Balance Profits With Sustainability? When you’re an entrepreneur concerned with sustainability, this can be difficult to answer. I’ve been talking to designers lately who have been bringing up some version of this question. Some talk about how hard it is to move forward when you don’t know the right answer. I struggled… Read more
The Secret To Running ‘Automatic’ Store Events
Some people are morning people I’m not one of them. When I get up, I stagger around with a foggy brain at first. Until my head clears, I can’t do anything that requires me to think. So, I put my morning routine on automatic. I can make coffee and get my day started, when I’m… Read more
Education Events: How To Find The ‘Hidden Treasure’ In Your Business
It was a six year old’s dream come true A birthday treasure hunt. The young treasure hunters discovered a battered map in a bottle on the rocky ocean beach. Following the clues to the ‘X’ on the map, the children found the right spot and started to dig. It didn’t take them long to unearth… Read more
Community Events: How To Avoid The Screwdriver Syndrome
Community events can be disappointing They seem to promise more than they deliver. You put in long hours. You spend money on extra staff. You buy balloons. There’s tents. Face painting. Music. Crowds. But no sales. All that work is for nothing, it seems. At the end of it all, you swear you’ll never do… Read more
How Merchandising Attracts Customers: Or Drives Them Away
You need to attract customers If you have a brick-and-mortar store (a physical retail location), your job is to attract shoppers to come inside. These shoppers have many other choices. Other stores. Other neighbourhoods or malls. And online shopping. Brick-and-mortar retail is becoming increasingly competitive. Even large, well-established companies are finding it hard to attract… Read more